Monday, August 13, 2012

bar none

I'm a busy girl (when I'm not lounging around poolside sipping Mai Tais. Kidding. Kind of.) I also have a pretty quick metabolism. Not in a "look-at-me-I'm-so-skinny-and-I-can-eat-whatever-I-want" kind of way, but more of a "If-I-don't-eat-something-every-2-hours-things-are-gonna-get-ugly" kind of thing.  But between blogging & working at the restaurant, mealtimes aren't necessarily as defined as they used to be. 

When I'm on the go, I try to compensate with bars, but there's one tiny problem. I hate raisins. Not just whole, chewy raisins, but even if they're pureed and mixed into the bar, I can taste them. And no me gusta (I'm lookin at you, Clif Bar.) Also, I'm not into bars that taste like the cardboard box they came in (cough*kashi*cough) What can I say, I'm hard to please. So here's a roundup of some bars that I love and you will too, even if you're as picky as me.  
Kind: Almond & Coconut and Cranberry Almond. Natural, simple, straightforward. 
Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Meal Bars. Packed with protein (just opt for the meal bars, not the snack ones.)
Luna White Chocolate Macadamia (I thought I was eating a cookie. Which is always the goal.)
Larabar Bananas Foster (I'm picky about bananas, but this came in my Birchbox and I gave it a try... and promptly went out and bought 5 more.)
What can I say? Snickers Satisfies. 
juuuust kiddingggg... kind of. 


  1. I love the Snickers at the end! Ha. I really like Luna bars, too, especially the Caramel Nut Brownie one.

  2. You don't like raisins but do you like genetically modified ingredients?



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