Thursday, December 29, 2011

This year I will...

Have you started making your New Year's resolutions yet? I don't usually make any, but this year I am working on absolutely, positively, never texting and driving. Or Tweeting. Or Facebooking, emailing, instagraming, bubble busting, using my iPhone to take awkward self-portraits making kissy faces, etc. It's dangerous, it's illegal, and it's a terribly difficult habit to break (especially that last one). I have already started working on it, but after December 31st I'm seriously considering locking my phone in my glove compartment before I start my engine. Whatever it takes, right?

If you're still trying to come up with a resolution and you're running low on ideas, I encourage you to check out this resolution generator. I think I spent the last 15 minutes clicking through... it is great. (My faves are "cook beef bourguignon" and "dress up," but that's probably because I already do those...)

I'd love to hear your resolutions!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm adding no phone and driving to my list! Thanks, Caitlin!



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