hello + imissedyou
Hi hiii my sweets, it's certainly been far too long. Confession: my blog-peeve is whenever someone apologizes for their absence. In my opinion, it makes the entire blog come across as some sort of an obligation. Truth is, my time spent here is never compulsory. I have come to love this little corner of the web so much and I simply refuse to allow it to become a ball and chain. My promise to you is that I will only post when I want to post. I will only share what I want to share. I am committed to authenticity and the quality of this place, ever grateful for the inspiration it provides for me (and maybe you too) and so thankful for the outlet it gives for me.
Oscar Wilde said, "He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry they dare not realise." (The Picture of Dorian Grey) So sometimes, even though I very much love writing here, I get caught up in living. I always miss it, I am always thrilled to return, but I never regret taking time to do what I truly love, to live the poetry.
So no apologies here, but a great big hug, an "imissedyougreatly," and I cannot wait to share my recent adventures.
And, for curiosity's sake, a little clue at where the road has taken me. (You know I love a teaser!) Hint: not one, but 2 very different destinations!
Any guesses?
I know where..but I don't think its fair to tell since I follow you on twitter & instagram (boy, I'm kinda a creeper ;) Anywho, missed you, glad your back! xo