Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Brownies & Brownie Pie

Tuesday afternoon already? This week is going by at lightning speed! Lately I have realized how prone I am to counting down: days until my next trip, miles until my run is over, minutes until 5 o'clock. It's such a funny thing though... the minute I stop paying attention to the minutes in the day, I find myself enjoying them more. 

You know how I mentioned my "big speaking engagement" this past weekend? Well, Sunday afternoon I was invited to share with two Brownie troops (twenty 2nd graders!) about QH2O. I was nervous. Explaining the global clean water crisis to a bunch of 7-year-olds is a daunting task . I didn't know if they would understand. I worried they wouldn't be interested. I also was afraid of upsetting them. How do you look at a child and say "Every 15 seconds a child, just like you, dies from a water related illness." But the minute I entered that room, my anxiety left me. 
They were enthusiastic and passionate. Empathetic, interested, and attentive. They asked intelligent (heartbreaking) questions. Questions I don't have the answer to. But most importantly, they were moved to act. When I talk with adults about what we are doing, many don't understand. They refuse to believe that they are capable of making a difference. Children are different though, they still know they can change the world. Even if it means saving up coins in an old milk jug in hopes of someday financing a well. I left feeling inspired, encouraged, and reassured that this field, nonprofit communications, is exactly what I want to do. 
In honor of the Brownies, I made a Brownie Pie Friday night. That's a lie. I've had this recipe marked on Pinterest for weeks and I finally got around to making it. It is delicious. The kind of thing that each bite makes you happy to be alive. And, since there are no guarantees in this life, I found it perfectly delectable with strawberries for breakfast. Brownies and brownie pie... whatta weekend. :)


  1. That's so amazing! Children have such a power to change the world and Adults are the ones who typically crash their spirit! I'm glad these girls received the opportunity to learn about QH2O with WOrld Water Day quickly approaching. Someday, in our lifetime, Poverty WILL be wiped out and fresh water will flow!

  2. I find myself feeling the same way about time...So happy that you are inspired & reassured about your field of work! That is truly an incredible feeling. Proud of you Caitlin!

  3. I'll bet they loved you, Cait! :) That brownie pie looks delish.



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